Neem Leaf
Neem Tree is used for treating several ailments for over thousand years in South India. Neem tree is called as a sacred tree and truly worshiped in many parts of South India, it is firm belief that it can treat all diseases by our fore fathers. We are listing some of the medicinal use of Neem tree
- Neem leaf powder is used to treat Acne and other skin diseases
- Neem leaf powder is used to treat measles
- Neem leaf powder is used to treat chicken pox
- Treatment for high fever
- Neem leaves are used for anthelmintic, antidiabetic, antifungal, antiviral, contraceptive
- Neem leaves are used for hair treatments
- Improves liver function
- Rich antiseptic properties
- Used to detoxify the blood
- Used to clean stomach with intestinal worms
- Used for tooth problems
- Urinary tract problems
- Ulcers